Easy Heartburn Tonic

Image I’ve never had much of an issue with heartburn in the past, but pregnancy can be a game changer in this department.  All of a sudden, I’ve been getting a little heartburn. For the most part, it hasn’t been so bad, but I had a few times last week where it was starting to get on my nerves. Enter, the homemade tonic.

I try to avoid taking Tums if I can help it because I’ve read that using any baking soda based remedy can actually encourage your stomach to make more acid! You’ll feel relief in the short term, but it can lead to more problems later. Apple cider vinegar, despite being acidic, actually has an alkaline effect on the stomach once it mixes with stomach acids.  Plus, if you use raw unfiltered ACV, you’ll get the added benefit of some beneficial bacteria with your tonic, which can only help with your digestion!

Here’s what you’ll need to make the tonic:

• 1/2 cup raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar

• 1 egg shell

Place the eggshell and vinegar in a glass jar and let it sit for about 6 hours. When the 6 hours is up, remove the eggshell. It doesn’t hurt to leave it in, but since the vinegar will eventually dissolve the shell, it starts to look a little gross. Immersing the eggshell in the vinegar adds some extra minerals (lots of calcium!) that will also aid with acid reflux.

To drink, add 1 tbl of the vinegar/eggshell mixture to an 8 oz glass of water. If you prefer, you can also add a dash of honey to the mix. Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Easy Heartburn Tonic

  1. Did it work? I never would have guessed that vinegar could lessen the acid in your stomach. Thankfully, I haven’t had any heart burn issues yet (crossing my fingers), but I actually use that exact same brand of Apple Cider Vinegar on my hair to get rid of dandruff. I’ve only tried it once as a dandruff cure, and so far so good!

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